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INGLÊS - Conteúdo Programático

Livro – Método

American English File Second Edition (1 e 2)

Oxford University Press

Nível I

O nível I tem por objetivo introduzir questões básicas de vocabulário e gramática e também aproximar o aluno do universo da língua inglesa, o tornando mais habituado e confortável ao se expressar e ouvir outras pessoas falando em inglês.


- Verb to be
- Possessive adjectives
- Articles,
- This, that, these, those
- Adjectives
- Imperatives, let’s
- Simple present
- Word order in questions
- Whose…? Possessive ’s
- Prepositions of time and place (at, in on)
- Position of adverbs and exp of frequency
- Can/can’t
- Present continuous
- Object pronouns (me, you, him, her etc)
- Like + verb-ing


- Days of the week, numbers, greetings
- The world, numbers 20-100
- Classroom language
- Things
- Colors, adjectives, modifiers: very, really
- Feelings
- Jobs
- Question words
- Family
- Everyday activities
- Adverbs and expressions of frequency
- Verb phrases: buy a newspaper, etc
- The weather, seasons
- Phone language
- The date; ordinal numbers
- Music

Nível II

O nível II tem por objetivo ampliar a compreensão do aluno na língua inglesa. A expectativa é que o aluno possa conhecer mais tempos verbais, outros termos essenciais e possa usá-los com mais facilidade nas diferentes situações de uso.



- Simple Past of the verb to be

- Simple Past of regular and irregular verbs 

- There is and There are

- There was and There were

- Countable and Uncountable nouns

- How much/ How many/ a lot of 

- Comparative adjectives 

- Superlative adjectives 

- To be going to (plans and predictions)

- Adverbs 

- When to use articles


- Professions

- Past expressions

- Go, have and get

- Rooms and furniture 

- Prepositions: place and movement 

- Food and food containers 

- High numbers 

- Places and buildings 

- Vacations expressions

- Verb phrases

Nível III

O nível III tem por objetivo a sofisticação e ampliação do vocabulário e uma conscientização maior dos tempos verbais para uma maior e melhor compreensão da língua e de seus usos. 

- Word order in questions

- Simple present

- Present continuous

- Simple past

- Past continuous 

- Time sequencers and connectors

- Be going to (plans and predictions)

- Present continuous 

- Defining relative clauses 

- Present perfect or simple past

- Something, anything, nothing 

- Comparative adj and adv

- Superlative + ever + present perfect

- Numbers and spelling

- Describing people

- Clothes 

- Prepositions of places

- Vacations phrases

- Prepositions of time and places

- Verb phrases

- Airport vocab

- Verbs + prepositions 

- Expressions for paraphrasing 

- Housework, make or do

- Shopping 

- Adjs ending in -ing or - ed

- Time expressions

- Describing town or city 

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